Our offices are open from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 17.30 (GMT+1).
For information and estimates you can call +39 0575 984146 or send a fax to +39 0575 984172.
Alternatively, you can write an email to info@cemitonline.com. We will be happy to answer you as soon as possible. Before sending your request, please double check your email address otherwise, in case of error, we will not be able to reply to you.
For specific requests
Accounting Office: contabilita@cemitonline.com
Technical Office: infotecniche@cemitonline.com
Purchasing Department: acquisti@cemitonline.com
HR Department: assunzioni@cemitonline.com
Administration: direzione@cemitonline.com